Friday, May 14, 2010


Riding The Wave of Love

Serenading you with words
as my love flows,
How do you posses me so
with one word my smile glows,

Where did you come from
to caress my heart,
I thought that love was gone
but you gave it a fresh start,

Giddy and tingly you make me feel
Like a childs first ride on a ferris wheel,
Excitement and pleasure all around
My head in the clouds with this love found,

My soul leaps at each passing thought,
To which this new found love has brought.
Spirit pines each passing day,
Since this love has come my way.

My heart now cries out endlessly,
For you to link, your heart to me.
Together they would blend and grow,
Into a thorn-less budding rose.

Life is short and chances few,
Lets grasp this love while it is new.
Let our sails fill with its breeze,
And ride the waves upon its sea.

And lastly i Love You.